Wednesday 30 May 2012

School report in green ink

Congratulations to Greenwich University, which has topped the People & Planet Green League for sustainable universities, scoring 55 out of a possible 70 points and putting it very comfortably in the category for first class honours (qualifying score 40). The university has decreased its carbon emissions since 2005 by 22% and buys 96% of its electricity from renewable sources. If we could all do this, the impact would be tremendous.
Yet these are not the achievements about which the university boasts. Its proudest achievement, it says, is its sustainable food policy, with organic milk and free-range eggs all bought locally. And the league looks pretty widely, including the incorporation of sustainability in the curriculum, and the university's ethical investment policy (the only area in which Greenwich fails).
What a contrast with the failed institutions, which scored as low as five points. League tables are often seen as pernicious, but in this case if they encouraged universities to increase their efforts, they could make a big difference.

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